greetings women

anticipating the initial stirrings, the very earliest hints of spring,

when new life shall begin to rise again…

we wish to celebrate this turn of the natural cycle together with you

with an online women’s gathering at imbolc on thurs 1st february.

this is the first women’s sacred pause offering of our 2024 programme

may we plant our seeds together

deep in the belly of the mother,

and fertilise our intentions into life

online imbolc dance and yoga nidra meditation

thurs 1st Feb 7pm – 9.30pm

cost sliding scale according to means:

£30 – abundance: those with the resource,

this ticket contributes to us offering reduced & concession places

£25 – full price: those in full time work or with other comfortable income

£20 – reduced: those on a reduced income

£15 – concession: those not in work/on benefits

to book your place pls email emmalene: for full info & payment details.

Once your payment is received the zoom link will be sent.