the web of life: an intensive 5Rs retreat

the web of life: an intensive 5Rs retreat

the web of life:an intensive 5Rs retreat with andrew holmes 30th june – 6th july we humans have become disconnected from the natural worldwe think of ourselves as separate from it, different, more developedwe’ve become unconscious consumers of its bounty the...
into the dark: october 20-22 2023

into the dark: october 20-22 2023

into the dark: yorkshire dales with cathy ryan october 20 @ 7:00 pm – October 22 @ 4:00 pm we’re heading into the darkest part of the year here in the northern hemisphere. this weekend will explore opening to a sense of deep rest, the art of pausing and the heart...
prayer: an Intensive 5Rs retreat 2-8 july 2023

prayer: an Intensive 5Rs retreat 2-8 july 2023

prayer:an intensive 5Rs retreat with andrew holmes 6 pm sun 2 – 5 pm sat 8 july 2023 fell edge barnaddingham moorsideyorkshireLS29 9JX Cost: £375 (£340 if booked by April 30th) there’s a point at which the dance shifts ~no longer just the physical sensation,more than...